With no lessons in humility, I would like to believe that I am a/an:
Delirious Thinker.
Addictive Chai Drinker.
Writer-Biter-Blogger (erm...not necessarily in that order).
Ex-Ad Agency Slaving Slogger.
Ex-tra Terrestrial Simulator (Yes yes, yours truly is ET's less famous sister).
Obsessive MOVIE Goer/Watcher/Lover.
Wannabe FILM Appreciator/Criticizer/Hitler.
Old-fashioned Reader (Kindle, what?? :X).
Big-Word Using Misleader (Watch out for those).
WORD Wobbler, Doodler, Scribbler.
Terrible Dribbler (who has seen a zillion butterfinger oops's!).
Competitive Scrabble Player (erm, applies to all board games actually).
Environmentally Conscious Slayer (of bad citizens, that is :X).
Possessive Book(s) Loaner.
Proud Dog Owner.
Brain Draining Yapper.
A Not-So-Moody Snapper.
Ever-Willing Dancer.
Over-Enthusiastic Prancer.
Whimsical Freelancer.
OD'd Facebooker.
Bad Rhymer (erm, as is obvious!!!).
Good Whiner.
A Well Accomplished Screamer.
The Quintessential Day Dreamer.